Welcome to Canford Heath Poole weather station.

The weather station in use is the Fine Offset, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

  Forecast: Becoming fine

  Conditions at local time
 07:30 on 27 July 2024
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 14.2 °C
Apparent Temperature 15.2 °C
Heat Index 14.2 °C
Windchill 14.2 °C
Temperature and Humidity
Dew Point 13.2 °C
Temp change last hour +2.2 °C
Humidity 94%
Apparent Temperature 15.2 °C
Rainfall Totals
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm
Rainfall This Month 66.6 mm
Rainfall This Year 525.0 mm
Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Last rainfall 2024-07-25 14:32
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.0 mm
Rainfall Last 24 Hours 0.0 mm
Wind Speed
Wind Speed (gust) 1.6 mph
Wind Speed (avg) 0.0 mph
Beaufort F0 Calm
Wind Direction
Wind Bearing 135° SE
Dominant Direction N
Wind run 0.1 mph
Barometer  1006.4 mb
Rising slowly 0.4 mb/hr
Todays high pressure 1006.6 mb
Todays low pressure 1004.9 mb